
and blue wing Learn more about and blue wing

  • Diseases and insect pests of Chinese yam and their control measures: control methods of bean tortoise shell and blue-winged negative mud insect

    Diseases and insect pests of Chinese yam and their control measures: control methods of bean tortoise shell and blue-winged negative mud insect

    Yam bean tortoise shell and yam blue wing negative mud worm control method how to do? Do you know? Let's take a look. The occurrence time of yam bean beetle pest is from May to August, and only one generation a year. The yam blue-winged negative mud worm also occurs in one year.

    2019-01-19 Chinese yam diseases and insect pests and control measures bean gold tortoise shell and blue wing
  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • How do butterflies spend the winter?

    How do butterflies spend the winter?

    When the flowers bloom in spring, the butterflies can always be seen among the flowers, but not in winter. Is that how butterflies spend the winter? What good-looking varieties do you have? How do butterflies spend the winter? Butterflies can survive the winter in many ways, such as adult butterflies.

    2020-11-11 Butterflies how winter every time spring warm flowers when in bloom always
  • Besides delicious ducks, what's so special about them?

    Besides delicious ducks, what's so special about them?

    When we talked about ostriches yesterday, we mentioned that domestic ducks also have special Tintin. What's so special about domestic ducks? Let's review the introduction of the 2016 table species calendar. Identify the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos.

  • Blue Phoenix crown dove culture

    Blue Phoenix crown dove culture

    Blue Phoenix crown dove culture

  • What are the species of parrots? What are the big parrots? What kind of food do you eat?

    What are the species of parrots? What are the big parrots? What kind of food do you eat?

    Parrots, also known as parrots, parrots, are many parrot-shaped birds with bright feathers and love to call. They are brightly colored and are often kept as pets. There are many kinds of parrots, including 2 families, 82 genera and 358 species, which is one of the largest families in the class Ornidae. Mainly distributed in tropical forests.

    2020-11-11 Parrot parrot
  • Are woodpeckers, magpies and swallows good birds or bad birds? What kind of food do you eat?

    Are woodpeckers, magpies and swallows good birds or bad birds? What kind of food do you eat?

    In daily life, we often see all kinds of birds such as woodpeckers, magpies and swallows. Many people will not know whether they are beneficial birds or harmful birds. Beneficial birds and harmful birds are seen from the point of view of human interests. Beneficial birds are good birds for human beings, and harmful birds are harmful to human beings.

    2020-11-11 Woodpecker magpie swallow yes beneficial bird or harmful bird Lord
  • Growth Habits and Propagation of Jacaranda jacaranda

    Growth Habits and Propagation of Jacaranda jacaranda

    Jacaranda, flowering late spring to early autumn, flowering when the leaves fall. Capsule squamose, ovoid, slightly compressed, light brown, ca. 5 cm in diam., seeds small and winged. The wood is dark brown. Growth habits good warm climate, suitable for planting in sunny places. Lax requirements for soil conditions

  • Control of rice white-backed planthopper

    Control of rice white-backed planthopper

    Symptoms of damage: sucking juice at the base of rice plants inhabited by adults and nymphs, resulting in chlorosis and yellowing of leaf tips, serious withering of the whole plant, difficulty in heading, withered booting or brown panicles at panicle stage, and blighted grain. Morphological characteristics: adults can be divided into two types: long wing type and short wing type. The long-winged adult is 4-5mm long, grayish yellow, the top of the head is narrow, protruding in front of the compound eye, there are three protruding longitudinal ridges on the face, the ridge color is light, the groove color is deep, black and white, and there is a pentagonal white or blue-white spot in the center of the chest and back shield.

  • Introduction of ten precious parrot species

    Introduction of ten precious parrot species

    There are many kinds of parrots and their colors are colorful. The most important thing is that some parrots can imitate people to speak, which makes it very popular. But there are so many kinds of parrots, do you know what kinds of valuable parrots there are? Next, the editor will take an inventory of the top ten precious parrots.

    2020-11-27 Top Ten Precious Parrot species introduction many kinds
  • Some knowledge of blue lice

    Some knowledge of blue lice

    Blue lice, also known as whitefly (TRIALEURODESVAPORARIORUM), adults and nymphs cluster host leaves, suck juice, form macula by the sea, and secrete honeydew, causing soot disease. Morphological features: the adult is about 1.1 mm long, light yellow, wings translucent, all covered with white wax powder. ...

  • What are the insect pests in planting Angelica dahurica?

    What are the insect pests in planting Angelica dahurica?

    What are the insect pests in planting Angelica dahurica? How to prevent and cure it? Please guide Angelica dahurica mainly include peach aphid, carrot microtube aphid, Sapporo two-tailed aphid, red-striped bug, yellow Phoenix butterfly, yellow-winged fennel borer, sweet potato night moth, small blue and white golden turtle, Japanese golden turtle, red spider. Peach aphid, carrot microtube aphid, Sapporo two-tailed aphid, red stripe bugs control.

  • Introduction of Chinese ornamental Chicken breeds

    Introduction of Chinese ornamental Chicken breeds

    Chicken is a familiar poultry, many rural families raise native chickens, but generally people raise meat chickens are very ordinary, not so good-looking, and good-looking chickens are ornamental chicken breeds, then what are the Chinese ornamental chicken breeds? Let's go down together.

    2020-11-27 China ornamental chicken breed introduction yes everyone is familiar with
  • Morphological characteristics and harmfulness of jujube bark moth

    Morphological characteristics and harmfulness of jujube bark moth

    Jujube bark moth belongs to Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera. Also known as truncated bugs. The adult is 18-22 mm long, with white head, gray-white chest and abdomen, filiform antennae, 6 blue spots on the chest and back, 2 rows in the vertical row, irregular blue spots on the forewings, narrow stripes of black and blue in front of the sub-middle fold of the hindwing, and deep spots on the edge of the wings. There are three black longitudinal spots on the back of each segment of the abdomen, and there is a round spot on each side. Ovoid, light yellow in the first birth, densely reticulated. The larva is 30-40 mm long, the head is yellowish brown, the carcass is purplish red, and the forechest

  • Peach fruit moth

    Peach fruit moth

    Latin name: CarposinaniponensisWalsingham distribution area: morphological features: adult body length 7 mm 8 mm, wingspan 16 mm 18 mm, grayish brown. There is a blue-gray approximate triangular spot in the middle of the leading edge of the forewing. There are 7 clusters of blue-brown oblique clusters of scaly hairs on the wing surface. The lower lip of the female is longer and the male is shorter. Oval, red, with 2 or 3 circles of zigzag bristles at the top. the larva is 13-16 mm long, pink, and the forechest dorsal plate is brown. the little larva is yellow and white. No buttocks.

  • What is the function of a penguin's tail? What varieties do you have?

    What is the function of a penguin's tail? What varieties do you have?

    Penguin is a very old swimming bird, known as the ship of the ocean, with a history of many years. Most penguins live in the southern hemisphere. although they have two hands like wings, they cannot fly and have two upright feet that support their bodies. In addition to penguins

    2020-11-11 Penguin yes tail have what function breed penguin
  • Introduction and culture skills of blue-eyed chrysanthemum how to raise beautiful blue-eyed chrysanthemum

    Introduction and culture skills of blue-eyed chrysanthemum how to raise beautiful blue-eyed chrysanthemum

    Introduction and culture skills of blue-eyed chrysanthemum how to raise beautiful blue-eyed chrysanthemum

  • * * how to control cotton stem wood sac moth?

    * * how to control cotton stem wood sac moth?

    What diseases are there in cotton boll period? How to prevent and cure it? How to control cotton boll disease? Occurrence, climate and variety of cotton boll disease. There is a close relationship between insect pests and cultivation techniques during the growth period, so the prevention and control of cotton boll diseases should be based on cultivation management combined with chemical protection. (.)

  • * * how to control cotton stem wood sac moth?

    * * how to control cotton stem wood sac moth?

    What diseases are there in cotton boll period? How to prevent and cure it? How to control cotton boll disease? Occurrence, climate and variety of cotton boll disease. There is a close relationship between insect pests and cultivation techniques during the growth period, so the prevention and control of cotton boll diseases should be based on cultivation management combined with chemical protection. (.)

  • What kind of bird is the brown turtledove?

    What kind of bird is the brown turtledove?

    What kind of bird is the brown turtledove?
